How can I book a place on
the course?
For more information or to book a place, contact Public Health Dietitians 029 20 907699 or email [email protected]

Community Food and Nutrition Skills Course
Agored Cymru accredited (Level 2, 3 credits)
Want to know more about food and nutrition?
What is the course about?
The course aims to increase knowledge and skills in food and nutrition. Following the course, participants will be able to pass on basic, up-to-date information to those they work with and support them to eat well. The course will provide ideas and resources to use with client groups.
There will be support available after the course for those who want to put their learning into practice and deliver healthy eating messages to their groups.
Course content:
Module 1 – Healthy eating guidelines and the Eatwell Guide
Module 2 – Nutrition and health
Module 3 – Healthy weight management
Module 4 – Factors affecting food choice and eating well on a limited budget
Module 5 – Barriers to a healthy diet and helping people change their eating behaviours
Module 6 – Food labelling
Module 7 – Nutrition for specific client groups: infants, pre-school children, school aged children, pregnant women, older adults ( select 2 options from list)
Module 8 – Menu planning and adapting recipes
Module 9 – Food facts and myths & useful food and nutrition resources
Who is the course for?
Anyone working with families and groups in the community where healthy eating messages can be encouraged for example, teachers, youth workers, leisure centre staff, volunteers, those providing childcare and those working with homeless clients.
What time commitment is involved?
The course involves 20 hours of session time which will be delivered over 10 weekly sessions each lasting 2hrs. There is a small amount of home study involved.
Cost per person is £20
How can I book a place on the course?
For more information or to book a place, contact Public Health Dietitians 029 20 907699
or email [email protected]